Baldrige’s Core Values week 6
Application of the Baldrige Core Values is an important feature of this course and the process of strategy development and implementation.
In a brief (approximately one page) APA formatted essay, you will discuss the following:
Which Baldrige Core values did you observe being presented in the readings and resources for the Unit?
Which Baldrige Core values have you observed in action in your group work this week?
Cite specific examples where necessary.
BUS411 – Business Policy Seminar
Unit Baldrige Assignment
Due: Units 6
Worth:100 points.
Length and Format: 1 page; double spaced; Times New Roman; 12 point font; APA formatting.
Application of the Baldrige Core Values is an important feature of this course and the process of strategy development and implementation.
In a brief (approximately one page) essay discuss the following:
1. Which Baldrige Core values did you observe being presented in the readings and resources for this Unit?
2. Which Baldrige Core values have you observed in action in your group work this week?
Cite specific examples where necessary.
Refer to the next page for the grading rubric.
Grading Rubric
CRITERIA Proficient
35-40 points
Baldrige Core Values – Readings/Resources Baldrige Core Values correctly identified from Unit readings and resources. Supporting details convey complete understanding. Appropriate examples included.
35-40 points
Baldrige Core Values – Group Work Actions Baldrige Core Values correctly identified from group activity. Supporting details convey complete understanding. Appropriate examples included.
15-20 points
WritingStyle Work is well-writtenandeasytoread.IncludescorrectAPAcitationsandreferences.